Vehicle Exhaust Extraction Manufacturer and Supplier

Running an industrial corporation is not easy. One would need to ensure that its business practices are not harming the environment. On top of this, it would also need to ensure that it is compliant with local labor as well as workplace safety norms.

To ensure a business is abiding by the above-mentioned clauses, it should invest in a vehicle exhaust extraction solutions offered by companies like SOVPLYM.
These solutions could be in the following forms:
       Vehicle emission extraction hose reel
       Rail type vehicle emission extraction systems
       Vehicle emission extraction accessories
       Vehicle emission extraction hoses.
Let us take a detailed look into each of the solutions offered by SOVPLYM in the following sections:

Vehicle emission extraction hose reel

       ARM – It is a motorized exhaust extraction unit that is ideal for service stations and truck depots as well as for buildings with high roofs.
       ARS – It is a retractable exhaust extraction reel that is perfect for workshops and garages. It comes with a reliable and robust design. The only catch is, you would need to pull it down manually.

Rail type vehicle emission extraction systems

       ARSL – ideal for fire stations. It comes with an automatic nozzle disconnection feature.

       ARL – ideal for vehicle inspection areas as well as automobile production facilities. All devices return automatically to their designated areas when the vehicle leaves its position.

       ARST – It comes with a flexible design that makes the same ideal for workshops, service stations and whatnot! It is compatible with different nozzles. The best part, it is also compatible with vehicles that come with multiple exhaust pipes.


Vehicle emission extraction accessories

       Hose splitters – an essential accessory for fume extraction from vehicles with multiple exhaust pipes.
       Vega – it is a swing extraction unit.
       iDrop – it is a hanging extraction unit.
       SSa – it is a swing/turning console.
       iGrip – it is a conical shaped rubber extraction nozzle.
       iGrip-SK – it is an extraction nozzle meant for vertical exhaust pipes mostly found in trucks or buses.
       iGrip-R(G) – it is a rubber extraction nozzle meant for rail systems and moving vehicles.
       iGrip-ST – it is a steel extraction nozzle. Ideal for fume extraction from high-performance vehicles.

Vehicle emission extraction hoses

       SP-HOSE-300 – It is a heat-resistant hose that can extract fumes with temperatures up to 300°C.
       SP-HOSE-200 - It is a heat-resistant hose that can extract fumes with temperatures up to 200°C.
       SP- HOSE-150 - It is a heat-resistant hose that can extract fumes with temperatures up to 150°C. It is available in variable diameters.

Why choose SOVPLYM and not others!?

SOVPLYM has its roots in Russia. It is a fabricator and supplier of high-quality industrial ventilation as well as vehicle exhaust extraction solutions. It has a global footprint and an ever-expanding client base.
The company also offers the following services in order to ensure complete peace of mind is enjoyed by its clients:
       After-sales assistance
       Onsite installations
       Project designing and


Whether you are the owner of a large car manufacturing complex or an automobile customization shop, you would need to invest in vehicle exhaust extraction solutions. It is the only way a business can keep itself away from lawsuits and compliant with local labour and environmental laws. For the best results, choose products from renowned companies like SOVPLYM.


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